Melodia zilei

Voltaj - De maineSi pun pariu ca ai iubit candvaCredeai ca-i jumatatea taSi-ai plans o noapte intreagaCand a plecat in grabaSimteai ca-i gata viata ta.Dar de maine toate astea nu vor mai contaDaca incerci sa spui asa :Am sa trec si peste astaCe va fi, va fiAm sa strig...

Anunt important

Blogu' lu' Panda~se închide pe o perioada nedeterminat?~ma pot intoarce oricând a?a c?, mai arunca?i din când în când un ochi aici :pPanda v? ureaz?:Cr?ciun Fericit al?turi de cei dragi !! Un An Nou plin numai de impliniri ?i fericire !!La mul?i ani !!

find me…

Mi-am inchis telefonul. Degeaba ma suni. Il deschid foarte rar doar ca sa sun eu pe cineva, dupa care il inchid la loc. Stii ce m-am gandit? Daca chiar ai nevoie de mine si daca chiar este important, ma vei gasi. Dar de ce l-am inchis? Motive sunt multe;...

I'm so hollow…

James Blunt - Goodbye my loverDid I disappoint you or let you down?Should I be feeling guilty or let the judges frown?'Cause I saw the end before we'd begun,Yes I saw you were blinded and I knew I had won.So I took what's mine by eternal right.Took your soul...

O melodie pentru cei care imi duc lipsa…

Bob Sinclar feat. Steve Edwards - TogetherOh yeah we're back now, oh!More bad news on the radioPlanet Earth she's about to explode, yeahThe stars have lost their shine todayThey have all been blown awayTogether, only hope can be awayLet me hear you sayOne day, we'll be togetherWe'll never be...

am gasit'o undeva

I wish for you...Comfort on difficult days,Smiles when sadness intrudes,Rainbows to follow the clouds,Laughter to kiss your lips,Sunsets to warm your heart,Gentle hugs when spirits sag,Friendships to brighten your being,Beauty for your eyes to see,Confidence for when you doubt,Faith so that you can believe,Courage to know yourself,Patience to accept...

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