Eurithmics - Sweet DreamsSweet dreams are made of thisWho am I to disagree?Travel the world and the seven seasEverybody's looking for somethingSome of them want to use youSome of them want to get used by youSome of them want to abuse youSome of them want to be abusedSweet dreams...
Leona Lewis - Bleeding LoveClosed off from loveI didn’t need the painOnce or twice was enoughAnd it was all in vainTime starts to passBefore you know it you’re frozenBut something happenedFor the very first time with youMy heart melts into the groundFound something trueAnd everyone’s looking roundThinking I’m going...
Un sofer mergind pe drum cu masina intilneste pe marginea drumului o femeie cu o canistra in mina,omul se opreste si o ia. -Ce aveti in canistra? -Benzina. -Pentru ce-ti trebuie benzina daca mergi pe jos? -Lasa ca va stiu eu pe voi,cum intram in padure cum se termina...
Alex C ft. Yass-Du Hast Den Schonsten Arsch Der WeltIch halte die Welt anDie Zeit steht stillDu bist das einzigeWas ich willIch fuhl dein Haar,Deine Hand, dein Gesicht,Es ist eine SeeleDie zu mir sprichtDu bist der SongDer mich durchdringtDer mein HerzZum rasen bringtHasr mein LebenAuf den kopf gestelltDu hast...
Comunicat de presa:"Pentru cei care au inceput inca de anul trecut sa faca pronosticuri in ceea ce priveste artistii care vor canta in 2008 la B'ESTFEST, a sosit momentul adevarului: dupa Kaiser Chiefs si Roisin Murphy (Moloko), NELLY FURTADO este cea mai noua confirmare pe afisul B'ESTFEST 2008! ...
Weekendul ce tocmai s-a incheiat a marcat un nou eveniment tragic in industria muzicala: 8 oameni au murit in timpul concertului lui Travis Scott de la Festivalul Astroworld din Houston.