Când ai nevoie de dragoste…

Când ai nevoie de dragoste ...

Pentru prietenii de la poli…

Ora 6:00Trezirea, constientizarea situatiei critice "zi de examen".Palpitatii, gaze stomacale, etc...Ora 6:15Pregatirea mapei: cursul (carte+foi xeroxate), rezumate schematizate,servite + eventuale copiute. (ca si cand ai voie cutoata biblioteca pe banca)Ora 6:30 Realizarea inutilitatii mapei "stufoase" la examenulrespectiv. Reorganizarea mapei: 3 coli A4 + pix.Ora 6:40 Plecarea conform orarului pentru...

Is that alright?

O melodie de exceptie si un videoclip pe masura...Damien Rice - 9 crimesLeave me out with the wasteThis is not what I doIt's the wrong kind of placeTo be thinking of youIt's the wrong timeFor somebody newIt's a small crimeAnd I've got no excuseIs that alright with you?Give my...

Maxima zilei

"The two most powerful things in existence: a kind word and a thoughtful gesture."powered by samira

Matt Damon vs. Jimmy Kimmel

Cum a inceput totul...Matt Damon se razbuna...La fel si Jimmy KimmelSo... who's fucking who?credits to Madi

La multi ani Samira !!!

Natasha bedingfield- SoulmateIncompatible, it don't matter though'cos someone's bound to hear my crySpeak out if you doyou're not easy to findIs it possible Mr. Loveableis already in my life?right in front of meor maybe you're in disguiseWho doesn't long for someone to holdwho knows how to love you without...

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