Pablo Francisco @ Comedy Central

My favourite comedy show

Melodia zilei – 13.03.2008

Lenny Kravitz - Fly AwayI wish that I could flyInto the skySo very highJust like a dragonflyI'd fly above the treesOver the seas in all degreesTo anywhere I pleaseOh I want to get awayI want to fly awayYeah yeah yeahOh I want to get awayI want to fly awayYeah...

Maxima zilei

"Oamenii se intalnesc si se cunosc. Apoi se despart. Se despart pentru ca au facut imprudenta de a se cunoaste. Se despart dar nu se uita!!!"powered by Joey

Melodia zilei 11.03.2008

Din categoria Oldies but Goldies:Beatles - Hey JudeHey jude, don't make it bad.Take a sad song and make it better.Remember to let her into your heart,Then you can start to make it better.Hey jude, don't be afraid.You were made to go out and get her.The minute you let her...

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