Maxima zilei

"Trying to forget someone you loved is like trying to remember someone you never knew... "powered by Joey

Melodia zilei – 14.03.2008

Koop - Koop Islands BluesHello my loveIt's getting cold on this islandI'm sad aloneI'm so sad on my ownThe truth isWe were much too youngNow I'm looking for youOr anyone like youWe said goodbyeWith the smile on our facesNow you're aloneYou're so sad on your ownThe truth isWe run...

Scare Tactics – Gorilla

Asta e ca raspuns la Panda Strike

Maxima zilei

"Love is like playing the piano. First you must learn to play by the rules, then you must forget the rules and play from your heart... "powered by Joey

Animatoare in Pacha

Avand in vedere ca in noaptea inaugurala, intrarea in noul club al lu' Mutu, Pacha, intrarea v-a fi de 500 de euro, baietii au angajat cele mai frumoase animatoare. In urmatorul filmulet, este una din ele. Enjoy !

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