Darren Hayes - DarknessBeen spending so much time undergroundI guess my eyes adjustedTo the lack of lightI gotCovered in darknessCovered in darknessHibernating always waiting for something newHappiness always endingIn the blink of an eyeThere was no one attendingNo one attendingIt doesn't really matter where it all beganAll I knowI...
show_9a94dc3f03a62a(448, 46);Smiley - Preocupat cu gura taMulti spun ca sunt perfectDar am nevoie de tine caci altfel sunt defectMulti spun ca sunt bogatDar eu cersesc fericirea in patul tau saracMulti spun ca sunt frumosDar fara dragostea ta pot spune ca-s hidosMulti spun ca sunt genialDar fara tine sunt doar...
show_2ef6a9f4441f82(448, 46);Smiley feat Don Baxter - Cea mai tare piesaCe Justin mai?Crezi ca eu nu pot?This is for the clubShake that ass more more shake shakeShake that ass more more shake shake1. Esti incredibilaCum te joci cu mintea meaIrezistibilaM'as juca si eu cu'a taEsti disponibilaSper sa fii a nimanuiHai...
Weekendul ce tocmai s-a incheiat a marcat un nou eveniment tragic in industria muzicala: 8 oameni au murit in timpul concertului lui Travis Scott de la Festivalul Astroworld din Houston.