La nici o saptamana de la anuntul ca Netflix devine disponibil in inca 130 de tari din intreaga lume, reprezentantii serviciului de streaming digital anunta ca vor lua masuri impotriva celor care folosesc proxy-uri pentru a accesa continutul disponibil in alte tari in afara celei din care si-au facut contul.

Intr-o postare pe blogul lor, acestia ne asigura insa ca fac tot ce le sta in putinta astfel incat filmele si serialele de pe Netflix sa fie disponibile in toate tarile, insa momentan e mai complicat acest lucru decat pare.

We are making progress in licensing content across the world and, as of last week, now offer the Netflix service in 190 countries, but we have a ways to go before we can offer people the same films and TV series everywhere.

Over time, we anticipate being able to do so. For now, given the historic practice of licensing content by geographic territories, the TV shows and movies we offer differ, to varying degrees, by territory. In the meantime, we will continue to respect and enforce content licensing by geographic location.

»10 recomandari de filme si seriale pe care le poti vedea pe Netflix«

Intre timp, incep sa se ia masuri pentru a impiedica utilizatorii sa acceseze continutul din alte tari, iar cei care fac asta risca sa aiba contul suspendat.

Some members use proxies or “unblockers” to access titles available outside their territory. To address this, we employ the same or similar measures other firms do. This technology continues to evolve and we are evolving with it. That means in coming weeks, those using proxies and unblockers will only be able to access the service in the country where they currently are. We are confident this change won’t impact members not using proxies.

Asadar, eu zic sa aveti grija cum folositi Netflix pentru ca e posibil sa ramaneti si fara cont si cu banii dati aiurea.

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