30 Seconds to Mars au lansat astazi primul single de pe cel de-al 4-lea album al lor. Piesa se numeste “Up in the Air” si a fost ascultata prima data pe statia spatiala internationala pe 4 martie.

Este primul single 30STM dupa o pauza destul de lunga, lucru care ma bucura, mai ales pentru ca la un moment dat existau zvonurile ca trupa sa ia o pauza chiar mai lunga de 2 ani.

Vor avea si cateva concerte anul acesta pe la festivalurile din Europa si sper sa-i mai vad o data live la Rock Wercheter 2013. Pana atunci, sa ascultam “Up in The Air”!

30 Seconds to Mars – Up in The Air
– versuri/lyrics –

I’ve been up in the air
Out of my head
Stuck in a moment of emotion I’ve destroyed.
Is this the end I feel.
Up in the air,
fucked up our life
All of the laws I’ve broken,
loves that I’ve sacrificed
Is this the end?

I wrap my hands around your neck
so tight with love, love

A thousand times I’ve tempted fate.
A thousand times I’ve played this game
A thousand times that I have said today, today, today

I’ve been up in the air
Lost in the night
I wouldn’t traded out for your lies you lost for my life.
Is this the end.
You were the love of my life
Darkness the light
This is a portrait of the tortured you and I.
Is this is end.

I wrap my hands around your neck
so tight with love, love

A thousand times I’ve tempted fate
A thousand times I’ve played this game
A thousand times that I have said today, today, today


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