Is it a feeling, is it a sense, does everybody has it or is only for few?
Is it a gift or a burden?
Is it a disease or a cure?
Can we scale its’ intensity?
Why after love always comes pain?
Why can’t we learn to control when we can fall in love and when not?
A lot of questions comes into my mind when I think of love.
Love is a divine feeling for the soul and not for the mind, so intense, that no other feeling can be compared to it.
love is the sweetest drug……..
love is an energy. it can neither be created nor destoryed. it just is and always wil be, giving meaning to live and direction to goodness………love will never die
love is giving someone the power to break your heart but trusting them not to…
iubirea vine, se instaleaza si incepe sa conduca totul. chiar si sufletele foarte tari se lasa purtat
fiecare om iubeste intr-un anumit fel si are nevoie sa fie iubit intr-un anumit fel…..pot sa te iubeasca oricat de multi oameni si nu e destul…..dar e suficient sa te iubeasca doar unul singur exact asa cum ai tu nevoie…..
da.. e tare aia cu “love is giving someone the power to break your heart but trusting them not to…” dar prea multa incredere in asta.. strica.. si ajungi cu broken heart…